Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Portugal's Drug Policy Pays Off

            Ten years ago, the Lisbon neighborhood was a hellhole, a "drug supermarket" where some 5,000 users lined up every day to buy heroin and sneaked into a hillside honeycomb of derelict housing to shoot up. In dark, stinking corners, addicts - some with maggots squirming under track marks - staggered between the occasional corpse, scavenging used, bloody needles.
            At that time, Portugal, like the junkies of Casal Ventoso, had hit rock bottom: An estimated 100,000 people - an astonishing 1 percent of the population - were addicted to illegal drugs. So, like anyone with little to lose, the Portuguese took a risky leap: They decriminalized the use of all drugs in a groundbreaking law in 2000.
            Now, the United States, which has waged a 40-year, $1 trillion war on drugs, is looking for answers in tiny Portugal, which is reaping the benefits of what once looked like a dangerous gamble. White House drug czar Gil Kerlikowske visited Portugal in September to learn about its drug reforms, and other countries - including  Norway, Denmark, Australia and Peru - have taken interest, too.
            "The disasters that were predicted by critics didn't happen," said University of Kent professor Alex Stevens, who has studied Portugal's program. "The answer was simple: Provide treatment."
             Drugs in Portugal are still illegal. But here's what Portugal did: It changed the law so that users are sent to counseling and sometimes treatment instead of criminal courts and prison. The switch from drugs as a criminal issue to a public health one was aimed at preventing users from going underground.
Other European countries treat drugs as a public health problem, too, but Portugal stands out as the only one that has written that approach into law. The result: More people tried drugs, but fewer ended up addicted.
              Here's what happened between 2000 and 2008:

* There were small increases in illicit drug use among adults, but decreases for adolescents and problem users, such as drug addicts and prisoners.

* Drug-related court cases dropped 66 percent.

* Drug-related HIV cases dropped 75 percent. In 2002, 49 percent of people with AIDS were addicts; by 2008 that number fell to 28 percent.

* The number of regular users held steady at less than 3 percent of the population for marijuana and less than 0.3 percent for heroin and cocaine - figures which show decriminalization brought no surge in drug use.

* The number of people treated for drug addiction rose 20 percent from 2001 to 2008.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Cannabis Documentaries

            Here are a few documentaries that I really enjoyed watching and maybe some of you people might like them too, so here are a few I picked out (there aren't a lot of them by the way), you can view full movies on Youtube or Google Videos.

The Union: The Business Behind Getting High

In Pot We Trust

How Weed Won the West

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Cannabis Kills Cancer

...and it appears that our government has know that for quite a few years, well 36 years to be exact. There was a study in '74 that said  ” The researchers found that THC slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers, and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.” And guess why the research hasn't been that popular? Well the answer is simple - prohibition.

 Press here to read more.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Bud Shots

No news or something like that today, I'd thought I should upload some great bud pics, so here they are:

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Cannabis Cup

       Today is something I'd like to introduce to you people, it's the High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, in a nutshell it's a lot of people from around the world judging various cannabis strains, related products etc., and it's been going on for 23 years. The last 23rd cup ended about 10 days ago on November 25th.Some of the categories that people judge are Best Sativa\Indica, Best Product, Best Glass, Best Hash and some more.
The cup also includes live music, comedy and an expo for marijuana-related products from cannabis-oriented businesses. It's been my dream to visit it and be judge for a long time, hopefully I'll get there sometime.

Here's a video from the expo, as you can see it's pretty crowded there