Friday, 22 October 2010

CA Prop 19

This is my first blog so bear with me if it this blog is not something you'd expect. So, the California Proposition 19 , The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act, let me just get this through first: I think it should pass, and I definitely would  vote YES for it, but I'm not a resident of CA, not even US, but if this prop would pass, it would affect me. Why do you ask? Well it's simple, US is a super-country (or how should I call it...) and other smaller countries will probably follow it's path after legalization, after all, US started the prohibition of this plant (Harry Anslinger telling everyone that it's the most dangerous drug, and it "makes white women seek sexual relationships with Negroes and Mexicans") and I think that they are the ones responsible of stopping it. Now on with the advantages \ disadvantages. The first and the biggest plus would be personal freedom, people wouldn't have to be afraid of getting caught and serving jail time for something that they enjoy and don't do harm to anyone else (Have you heard of someone using cannabis and going out to have a fight or something like that?). Then there's revenue, it's estimated that California would receive about 1.4 billion dollars from taxation of cannabis, now I'm not sure if that's the exact number or if CA would receive that much money, but it's an estimate. There are numerous other advantages, which I'm not going to write about now, since there's quite a few of them. With disadvantages, I don't really know them, although I'm not saying that there aren't any, I'm sure there are but I do really think that in this situation, advantages outweigh the disadvantages heavily. This prop is going to be settled on November 2nd.


  1. If they can tax it the will pass it. Give me clicks back please.

  2. i don't think it should pass, we don't need more potheads :p

  3. Well demand isn't connected to legality, especialy in Cali, since everyone who wants so ganja, gets it, it would be just the same people enjoying their time legally

  4. I am still undecided wether it should be legal or reamin as it is, perhaps with less penalties. Too many pro's and con's to be bothered to add it up.

  5. Well it did get decriminalized recently in CA, now it's only an infraction to own up to 1 ounce

  6. ah it better pass and then Pennsylvania better follow and pass it as well

  7. I don't smoke pot so it's hard to form an opinion on it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I don't smoke, but I'm totally up for weed getting jacked around like tobacco

  10. common sense people, what has more rehabilitating effects- alcohol or weed?! i used to work for the state and i think some of u would be surprised by how many LEO's are in favor of legalization, its the feds that want it to be a criminal offense so that they can keep their dea racket going

  11. I don't think that california voters are against the idea of legal marijuana, I think they just don't like the wording and fine print of the document.

  12. I really am not sure if this would be a good idea :/

  13. In order for weed to become legal in the US the tax profit would have to outweigh the legal system profits made from arrest/conviction/treatment for it. Until that happens no drugs will ever be fully legal in the entire nation.
