Thursday, 9 December 2010

Cannabis Kills Cancer

...and it appears that our government has know that for quite a few years, well 36 years to be exact. There was a study in '74 that said  ” The researchers found that THC slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers, and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.” And guess why the research hasn't been that popular? Well the answer is simple - prohibition.

 Press here to read more.


  1. Interesting. Not sure about the reports credibility but I'll look into it.

  2. Yet let me obtain my wish. Following!

  3. Finally a blog I can chill out too :]

  4. Shit, I don't think it matters whether it cures cancer or not. That's beside the point. Why is it illegal? There is no good reason when alcohol is legal, and its illegality directly hurts Mexico and creates gang activity.

  5. and the pharmaceutical companies are making too much money from cancer treatment drugs and pain medication... they're probably putting lots of pressure on the govt not to legalize it

  6. ...kind of an oxymoron. Because smoke GIVES cancer!

  7. It's not the smoke itself that helps with cancer, it's the stuff you get by using cannabis, and there are alternatives to smoking - vaporizing, edibles, tinctures and so on.
